Why I stayed in abusive marriage despite being manhandled on wedding night — Foluke Daramola

Nollywood actress, Foluke Daramola-Salako opens up on her reasons behind the decision to persevere through her abusive marriage.

Why I stayed in abusive marriage despite abuse on wedding night — Foluke Daramola

During a recent interview with TVC, the actress who is now remarried disclosed that she saw the signs but could not leave. Foluke Daramola added that was abused even on the night of her wedding.

Despite being subjected to constant abuse by her ex-husband, the mother of two stayed in the marriage for four years. When asked, she revealed that she feared facing criticism.

Foluke Daramola on Staying in Abusive Marriage

“My first marriage, on the night of my wedding was when I noticed abuse. But because of what people will say… And God has already orchestrated it because my wonderful kids are from the marriage.

“When I finally decided to step out [of the marriage], people did not understand why I stepped out. But I understood that I needed to go. A lot of people did not receive it well, but if I hadn’t stepped out, if I had died there, by now I would have been a forgotten case.

“So, it is better for people not to accept my reality or my truth but I accept my own truth than for me to lose my life in the process of trying to prove to the world what I’m going through.”