Tinubu, Peter Obi will be arrested; there will be a revolution — Pastor reveals prophecy (Video)

A pastor identified as Bishop Feyi shares a prophecy concerning the 2023 presidential elections with claims that the president-elect, Bola Tinubu will be arrested on the day of swearing-in.

Tinubu, Peter Obi will be arrested; there will be a revolution — Pastor reveals prophecy (Video)

A video making the rounds on social media captured the prophecy of Bishop Feyi claimed to have been made public on May 2022 regarding the fate of the just concluded presidential election.

The preacher alleged that Bola Tinubu will be arrested on the swearing-in day after which Peter Obi would suffer the same fate. He pressed on to state that a revolution bigger than the EndSARS protest will shake Nigeria before Obi is reinstated as the President of the country.


“I saw Peter Obi crying; red eye in tears, proper tears. However, because there is no money to buy votes, he’d lose in the poll. I saw INEC announcing BAT as the winner. There will be a protest bigger than EndSars; it would be a revolution. During swearing-in, soldiers will arrest Tinubu,” he said in part.

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