“There is no evidence that we created Coronavirus” – China fires back at US

Chinese government has finally replied the United States of America with special reference to Mike Pompeo after he made fresh claims over the weekend, insinuating that the novel Coronavirus originated from a lab in Wuhan, China.

"There is no evidence that we created Coronavirus" - China fires back at US

The United States Secretary of States, Mike Pompeo on Sunday alleged that China was responsible for the outbreak of the dreaded virus, Covid-19.

Mike’s position on the outbreak of the virus and that if the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump are similar, because they both think and have been saying it originated from China.

It is in the bid to clear this unverified claims that China through her Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Hua Chunying, warned Pompeo to desist from making “unguided utterances” and further asked him to present his evidences if he has any.

“I think this matter should be handed to scientists and medical professionals, and not politicians, who lie for their domestic political ends.

“Mr. Pompeo repeatedly spoke up but he cannot present any evidence. How can he? Because he does not have any,” Chunying said during a brief media call with pressmen.