“Own your fight with your full chest” — Actress, Shan George reacts after Chinwetalu Agu denied wearing Biafran flag

Nollywood actress and filmmaker, Shan George has told Chinwetalu Agu to own up to his fight, and stop denying the Biafran outfit he wore.

Shan George Biafran flag Chinwetalu Agu

The actress was reacting to the trending video of veteran actor Chinwetalu Agu, denying his outfit isn’t affiliated with the Biafran flag after he was arrested by the military.

According to her, asking for freedom should be everyone’s right and Chinwetalu Agu is no different, but he should own his outfit and fight with his full chest instead of speaking “rising sun English”.

Shan George Biafran flag Chinwetalu Agu

Shan George also stated that the veteran Nollywood actor didn’t possess any firearms or do any violence, hence she personally sees nothing wrong in fighting for freedom peacefully.

Chinwetalu Agu Biafra flag

She took to social media to write;

“My dear brother, u r clearly wearing a Biafra flag, and u should own it with ur full chest. I don’t get all d rising sun English u r speaking. I personally see nothing wrong in a certain pple fighting for their freedom. Nigeria fought for theirs from d British before 1960. Scotland, etc fought for theirs too, at least u were not carrying any arms, fighting for freedom peacefully shouldn’t be a crime, Own your Fight/Struggle wit your full chest.”

See her post below: