Ooin: Watch funny moment Don Jazzy accurately mimics comedian, Mr. Macaroni in new video

Following the nationwide mandatory coronavirus inspired lockdown that has been ongoing for weeks now, entertainment moguls have been financially affected because of zero shows, concerts and tours, courtesy of the novel pandemic.

It is on this note that ace Nigerian producer who also doubles as a singer, Michael Collins Ajereh, popularly known as Don Jazzy, had earlier informed his followers that he is now a full blown influencer and revealed he would soon linkup with comedian, Mr. Macaroni, to enable him learn his crafts so as to diversify his income streams.

Sequel to his new decision, Don Jazzy took to his official Instagram page on Saturday evening to wow his fans and followers by posting a video of himself accurately mimicking the fast rising Nigerian comedian, Mr. Macaroni.

Clad in Mr. Macaroni’s kind of “agbada” attire, the producer shared the video with his over 8 million Instagram fans.

In the video, he could be heard saying;

“Hello! freaky freaky…! Ah ah, spicey! Fantabulous!”

Moments later, a female voice could be heard asking;

Daddy Wa! What are you doing here?“.

He  hysterically replied “water and garri“.

Watch funny video below: