“No boyfriend until you’re 21 years old” — Father signs life changing contract with his daughter

Father garners funny reactions as he signs a life changing contract with his 2 year old daughter to have no boyfriend until she is 21 years old.

The man shared the hilarious video on his Twitter page, @Benking443, where he informed the public that his daughter is signing a huge deal.

Giving it until 2044, the man claimed that he could still extend the contract if there is further need for it.

“No boyfriend until you’re 21 years old” — Father signs life changing contract with his daughter

However, many Netizens have disagreed with this father, claiming she signed under duress.

See some reactions here

@OligboJ wrote: “All she has to say to win this case is that the signature used wasn’t hers.”

@_theladymo asked: “😂😂😂😂 was her lawyer present? Why are you making her sign a deal without her lawyer?”

@Sports_Doctor2 reacted: “This is super cute 🥹🥹🥹”

@molaramills commented: “See her signing with her full chest, you know wetin you sign so? 🤣😂I will be back in year 2044”

@iamvinicius_snr stated: “These papers were signed under duress, you literally held her hand to sign it with no lawyer present. The contract is invalid and is inadmissible in court”