“My father gave it to me” – Lady’s relationship in crisis as husband finds N35 million saved in her account

A Nigerian lady has cried out for help after her husband found out she had millions of naira hidden in her account.

According to her, her father sent N35 million to her when she got married, but she didn’t tell her husband about it.

Her husband was having issues with his bank app and decided to use hers. On sighting the balance, her husband reacted with shock but didn’t ask her for any money from it.

However, the next day her husband decided to tell her things that didn’t sit well with him. He revealed that while they were in search of an apartment they found a comfortable apartment that they both liked but it was way above his budget which was why they decided to switch to the apartment they currently live in.

He lamented that in that situation, she didn’t offer to send him any money and because of this, he believes that the trust has been broken.

Reacting to the post, @chiy_diamond said: “I believe it’s about orientation and upbringing. Maybe she grew up seeing the father take care of every down abi them payment😂 without the mother having to contribute. Not because the mother doesn’t have but because in most rich homes (as can be evidently seen she’s from) the woman just relax and her taken care of.”

@adimansanosuki said: “Dearman just focus on your own money. If she works and contributes fine if she helps out fine if she tells you she made money and didn’t tell you no big deal as long as when the need arises she pitches in. Focus on your money that’s all.”

@lois_la_madame: “Why is no one talking about her background? her that gives such kind of gifts whenever they achieve something great. She’s used to having those gifts to herself. I want to believe she’s also used to the idea of the man taking responsibility for the finances in the house considering her dad’s wealth. she even thought her husband must have been giving something similar by his own family because they are from similar background we can forgive her ignorance of not knowing that similar background doesn’t mean similar upbringing. I believe marriage is the union of two different people with different mindsets with this has happened she should apologize to her husband and they should both work together to educate each other on what they can copy and what they can do to make their own marriage work out well for them that is if they are committed to the Union.”

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