Man who gives neighbours free ride to work deals with them following refusal to pay amidst fuel subsidy removal

Young man narrates the approach he took to pass a message to his neighbour whom he used to give a free ride to work but refused to pay during fuel subsidy removal.

A Twitter user identified as @kelz_realist took to the platform to narrate how he handled his neighbours who were being inconsiderate despite giving them free rides when fuel used to be cheap.

Man who gives neighbours free ride to work shares approach taken following refusal to pay amidst fuel subsidy removal
Cab driver and passengers smiling in a car. Credit: Stock Images

He stated that he suggested the option of giving them a discounted rate other than free rides as fuel price moved from N180 per litre to over N500 but they refused.

How I dealt with my neighbours who I used to give free ride

I usually give some of my neighbours free ride from Mowe to Berger to and fro work.

I work at Bank Anthony way Ikeja and some of them work at computer Village, Allen and Opebi.

For the past eight months, I’ve been giving them free ride daily without collecting a dime from them.
When my former car broke down, they didn’t contribute a dime to help me fix it. I fixed it myself, got frustrated and sold it and bought a new car. That period, they find their way themselves

Immediately they saw I’ve bought another car, thru came back for their free ride again.
When Subsidy was removed, I have them a free ride for two days coz I still had fuel which I bought with the old price.

The day I filled up my tank, I cried coz it drained me.

I had to tell them that going forward, they’d need to start paying for the ride to and fro.
Two of the ladies said they can’t because we are neighbours and it doesn’t make sense for them to be paying for ride…

The guys said they’d pay N500 daily from Mowe to Berger.

I told them no problem.

The following day, I left very early without waiting for them.
I picked 6 passengers going to Berger for N500 each. They were all excited and were praying for me coz I charged them very low. They said Mowe to Berger is now N700/N800.

When they realise I was going to Ikeja, they added extra N200 and collected my number so I can be picking
Them daily.

Yesterday, my neighbours gathered at my house to negotiate with me. I told them I’ve gotten new customers I now carry to and fro work daily.

On each person now, I make N1400 x 6 = N8400. This has covered my fuel to work daily plus small money for breakfast.”