“It’s partnership, yet the man pays bills alone” – Daddy Freeze reacts to Mary Njoku’s post on marriage

On-air personality, Daddy Freeze has reacted to the posit of actress, Mary Njoku as regards partnership and team play in marriage.

Daddy Freeze Mary Njoku PartnershipIn an earlier report, Mary Njoku had asserted that men should realize that they are not doing their wives a favour when they pay bills at home because marriage is meant to be driven by the partnership spirit.

Daddy Freeze Mary Njoku Partnership

In response to this, Daddy Freeze has expressed how difficult it is for him to understand such a statement, as he questioned why one person will pay the bills in an acclaimed partnership venture.

Reacting to the post, he wrote:

“I’m struggling to understand this.
Two people are working, but only one is paying the bills and it’s supposed to be a partnership? 

The banality of this in my opinion, suggests a concoction of contradictions, conveying a message which on the one hand recommends partnership, but then on the other, advocates for African men, whilst at the same time seemingly ignoring the benefits of a patriarchal society.

Traditional African men don’t ‘partner’ with their wives, they pay bills and consequently own women, who in return serve them, while tolerating polygamy and concubinage.

Modernization propounds a social scheme denouncing some of the ‘benefits’ of a patricentric system, in favor of a balance in gender roles and privileges.

I find it inequitable to select only the aspects of both constructs that benefit only a particular gender, increasing the responsibilities of the other while depriving them of their dividends.

‘Sharing’ instead of ‘paying’ the bills, would have been more appropriate in my opinion.

Check out the post below: