“If your colleague praises you, making your boss look insignificant, your colleague is your enemy”- Reno Omokri

Nigerian human rights activist and lawyer, Reno Omokri has notified the public that not everyone who laughs with you and showers you with praises wants you to succeed.

Reno Omokri colleague enemy

Using an illustration within the office space, Reno took to his Twitter page to disclose that when a colleague showers you with praises in ways that make your boss look less significant, then that colleague is an enemy who wants nothing but your downfall.

He further buttressed that it was the same song the people of Israel sang for David after he killed Goliath either a sling that however brought enmity between Saul and David.

Here’s what he tweeted;

“Any colleague who praises you to your boss in ways that makes you appear even greater than that boss is a sly enemy. Remember it was the song ‘Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands’ that brought enmity between Saul and David

#RenosNuggets #FreeLeahSharibu

Reno Omokri colleague enemy