“I once tried to end it all because of my stunted growth” – Chinedu Ikedieze recounts

Legendary Nollywood actor Chinedu Ikedieze, better known as Aki, open up about the risky decision he almost made to end his life.

In a candid video interview with media host Chude Jideonwo, Aki recalled being on the verge of killing himself when he was 9 years old after a doctor informed his mother that he had stunted growth.

"I wanted to end my life by jumping into third mainland bride" - Chinedu Ikedieze recounts
Nollywwood actor, Chinedu Ikedieze. Source: Google

Due to peer humiliation and his low self-esteem, he claimed he had considered jumping off the third mainland bridge.

Aki went on to say that after meeting his colleague Pawpaw, they decided to become successful movie partners. Adding that, he supported the idea that people were drawn to them because of their height.

Watch the video below