Ghanaian Counselor Discourages Bleaching, States It’s Effect on Marriage

Controversial Ghanaian counselor, Charlotte Oduro has caused a stir on social media, as regard her statement that women who bleach, enhance their body parts won’t last in any marriage.

During one of her counseling session, the relationship counselor, stated that such acts come as a result of low self-esteem.

According to her;

I am surprised they don’t believe in themselves…I am surprised people cannot be proud of themselves. That is why they go for injections for breast and for back because they want to get shape. Any man that goes for a woman who has gone for injections for breast and back five years to come that thing will reduce.

“It is not you so if the man does not want you as you are you let him go. We should not add things to ourselves just because the man want it. I want you to bleach, I want you to be fair but when you saw me I wasn’t fair and now you want me to be fair…go and get fair ladies and leave me alone”, she advised.”