Ex-Governor Rochas Okorocha arrested, detained for forcefully entering his seized estate (Video)

Former Imo state governor, Senator Rochas Okorocha has been arrested and detained by the state police for gaining forceful entrance to his seized estate.Rochas Okorocha arrested

Recall recently, a joint taskforce led by the Imo state Commissioner for lands, Barr. Enyinnaya Onuegbu, stormed the Royal Spring Palm Hotels and Apartments, allegedly owned by Nneoma Rochas Okorocha, wife of former Governor, and sealed off the property.

Recall also that the Hope Uzodinma administration, last week, recovered the Eastern Palm University from Rochas Okorocha and renamed it.Rochas Okorocha arrested

As the former Imo governor is battling incumbent governor Uzodinma over the recovery of the University, Uzodinma has now seized and sealed off one of Okorocha’s estates.

Rochas after gaining a forceful and illegal entrance into the estate, was picked up by the police and is currently cooling off in their custody.

Watch the video below….