#EndSARS: “I am being cursed in mosques” – Activist, Aisha Yesufu

Nigerian activist, Aisha Yesufu has mocked Muslims who lash out curses at her due to her involvement in the #EndSARS protest.

Aisha Yesufu

Aisha, who is one of the engines that propelled the protest against police brutality and harassment in Nigeria, noted that she is not bothered for a second.

Taking to Twitter, she wrote, ”Heard I am being cursed in mosques! People finish praying and take time out to curse me in their prayers.

Aisha Yesufu #Endsars protest

“I have asked they should please let me know how many of these curses they rained on me when I was making same demands during GEJ! We are all already cursed in Nigeria,” she tweeted.