Days after calling Jude Okoye wicked because of Cynthia Morgan, OAP Dotun apologizes for being wrong

OAP Do2dtun has tendered an apology to music executive, Jude Okoye over his initial reaction to Cynthia Morgan’s claims.

OAP Dotun apologizes for his comments to Jude Okoye

Recall the media personality had reacted to Cynthia Morgan’s story by taking her side and condemning the injustice he believed was done to her by Jude Okoye.

Shortly after the release of a signed copy of her contract with Northside Music records was shared on social media, the media personality who had called Jude wicked based on what Morgan claimed, apologized.

He tweeted: “I have been in the Nigerian entertainment industry since 2004 and if there is anything the past couple of days have taught me, it is the importance of taking all sides of the story into consideration before forming an opinion (1)

“On the Cynthia Morgan story, I have taken notes from both Parties concerned & I can only say that I have been hasty in publicly forming an opinion (2)

“As one that has experienced the growth of the industry, I am without doubt that we will continue to improve on the conduct of business and the regard for the rule of law (3)”

“I have learnt that there is a way something seems and there is a way it actually is. To all the affected parties, I apologize. Empathy might not be applicable always. I learnt a new thing. Jude biko (4)”

He added: “We have made mistakes & said sorry. I apologized in a series of my tweets yesterday. I came from a place of empathy. I was wrong. it might be accepted or not. 1st step is apologize. I have. Very sad it turned out this way but we learn. If you felt offended too..I apologize.”