Court clears Goodluck Jonathan, declares him eligible to contest for president

Goodluck Jonathan Court PresidentFormer President, Goodluck Jonathan has been declared eligible to contest in the 2023 presidential election by the Federal High Court sitting in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State capital.

The presiding judge, Justice Isa Hamma Dashen issued the judgement on Friday, May 27, 2022.

Dashen affirmed that Jonathan’s right to contest for the office of president again cannot be stopped by any retroactive law.

This judgement is coming weeks after a Fulani group purchased the N100M presidential form under the All Progressive Congress, APC for Jonathan.

Although the ex-president had dissociated himself from such an arrangement, reports about Goodluck Jonathan joining the APC in his hometown, Otuoke, Bayelsa and later accepting the form from the group emerged.

Jonathan on his part has been quiet ever since the report of defecting from PDP to APC to vie for the presidential seat surfaced.