Clergywoman, Laurie Idahosa apologizes to Pete Edochie after she said his mother was a victim of child bride

Clergywoman, Laurie Idahosa has apologized to Pete Edochie after she said his mother was a child bride and victim of rape.

Laurie Idahosa apologizes Pete

Recall that the Clergywoman had made her comment against the Veteran actor’s opinion on married African women and their cheating husbands.

She tackled the statement of his dad who was 40years old, getting married to his mum when she was 15 years and that she was shy all through their marriage.

Laurie Idahosa apologizes Pete

Pete in the interview said;

“My mother was not educated. She was not in love with my father. My father was almost 40 when his uncle told him it was time he got married. He told them to get a wife for him.

My uncle went out to a neighboring village and told them the teacher wanted to get married. The women came out. He looked around and picked one and that was it.

He brought this 15-year-old who didn’t have the courage to look at my father. She gave him ten children and was still shy. Seven boys and three girls”.

Mrs. Idahosa however had replied to this comment in Linda Ikeji’s blog.

” How can he laugh about her being “shy?”
Oga, she was not shy. She was a victim of rape and was a child bride. She wasn’t respectful of his age, she was afraid for her life. Know the difference and adjust this story… start telling the truth!”

Laurie Idahosa apologizes Pete

At the moment, she acknowledges her fault and claims she had misinterpreted it. She, therefore, has apologized to the Veteran actor, Pete Edochie.