“But my lover used a condom” – Wife cries out as husband discovers their 4-yr-old son isn’t his

A lady has gone online to cry out for help after her husband discovered her paternity fraud and past affair.

The woman lamented her problem in a relationship page online, revealing that her husband recently conducted DNA test and found out that their 4-year-old child isn’t his biological son.

"But my side guy used a condom" – Lady cries out as husband discovers their 4-yr-old son isn't his
Sad woman. Photo source: iStock/ Google.

She said that the discovery had left her shocked because she had always thought the child was her husband’s, since the man she cheated on him with had used a condom.

The woman stated that she reached out to the guy she had an affair with and the man wants nothing to do with the 4-year-old.

Read her narration below:

“Hello Auntie Momoza, could you please hide me🙏. I have a child and have been co-paranting with his father. Rcently his father did a DNA test and found out he is not the father. I was so shocked and confused… right now I don’t know what to do. It’s been 4 years the child is used to him and his family. I did cheat on him with someone but we used a condom, that’s why I didn’t think the other guy would be the father. I called the other guy to tell him the news he didn’t want to hear anything and said I should leave him alone. I want him to do a DNA test also but I don’t know how can I persue him into doing it. I regret all my actions and sorry for what happened.”