“This video is embarrassing” — VeryDarkMan reacts to trending video of Mr Ibu begging for aid

Activist, VeryDarkMan, expresses his shame after a trending video of Mr Ibu begging for help is released

Controversial activist, VeryDarkMan has made a video where he expressed his shame and anger towards Nollywood as a whole after a video of Mr Ibu begging for assistance with his hospital bills was released.

The Nollywood legend who celebrated his birthday with family yesterday, released a video where he asked for help from the public regarding his illness.

This video seem to have enraged the activist who immediately took to calling out Nollywood. According to him, Mr Ibu should not have to beg for help and it implies a lack of structure in the movie industry.

VeryDarkMan referred to Mr Ibu as a legend who had a lot of great movies under his belt. He admitted most Nigerians do not respect these legends. He believes Nollywood should have reached a point where they can pay legends like him pension.

“This video is embarrassing” — VeryDarkMan reacts to trending video of Mr Ibu begging for aid

He ended the video asking his over six hundred thousand followers on the app to kindly contribute at least a thousand Naira to help Mr Ibu get the surgery done.

Watch the video here…