“Awon stingy kokoshi” – UK-based Nigerian lady laments over lack of financial support from UK men

A Nigerian lady residing in the United Kingdom has expressed her belief that Nigerian women back home have a better experience when it comes to receiving financial support from men.

Anike Banks, an entrepreneur, asserted that Nigerian ladies living in their home country are lucky but they don’t realize it.

"Awon stingy kokoshi" - UK-based Nigerian lady laments the lack of financial support from UK men

In contrast, she claimed that men in the United Kingdom are generally stingy and do not freely give money to women.

Anike humorously stated that if she were fortunate enough to receive £20 from someone, she would gladly introduce him to her parents, highlighting the rarity of such gestures in her current environment.

In her own words;

Nigerian women living in Nigeria don’t understand how lucky they are. UK men didn’t give anything. Awon stingy kokoshi. If someone dares squeeze £20 in my hand, I’ll invite him to come meet my parents”

See below;


one user @thefashygram commented;

Everyone’s saying this. My sister, friend and even a total stranger I don’t know before said this too. UK boys y’all should do better 💀💀

Anike replied;

Even the ones moving from Nigeria to here are adapting to that culture.”