“N9.7m gone” – Lady heartbroken as she pays 10,000 Pounds to get job in UK, arrives london, discovers it is fake 

A Nigerian lady who paid a hefty sum of 10,000 pounds (equivalent to approximately N9.7m) to secure a job in the UK arrived only to discover that she had fallen victim to a heartless visa scam.

The revelation comes as part of an investigative report by Sky News UK.

The victim, whose identity has been kept confidential, had been saving for years to fulfill her dream of relocating to the UK to live and work.

She entrusted a visa agent with her hard-earned money, believing that her dreams were about to come true.

A work visa was secured for her, and she was assured that a job was waiting for her upon arrival, all thanks to a purported sponsor in the UK.

However, upon landing in the UK, the harsh reality became evident.

There was no job, and she had fallen prey to scammers who had manipulated her aspirations and drained her savings.

Sadly, this woman is not alone in her predicament, as numerous others have found themselves in similar distressing situations.

Similarly, another Nigerian couple, fueled by their desire for a brighter future, sold their property and took out a loan to scrape together the £10,000 each demanded by the unscrupulous visa agent.

The couple, like many others, believed they were embarking on a journey that would lead to a prosperous life in the UK.

However, upon their arrival in the United Kingdom, their dreams were brutally shattered.

They discovered that the promised job opportunities were just a cruel deception by the dishonest visa agent.

Netizens Reactions…

@ywiggan said; “The Home Office really dont care. This is so sad that human beings are treated like this.”

@tazmaniac.1115 commented; “She seems hardworking and her English is excellent.” 

@adetounafolabi6436 said; “Some paid 13, 000k. Extortion is too much. Very wicked people. It is well.” 

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