Why Osinachi Nwachukwu’s autopsy is being delayed – Sources reveal

The post-mortem examination scheduled to have been performed on late gospel singer, Osinachi Nwachukwu by the National hospital authorities to ascertain the cause of her death, according to sources has not been carried out due to the absence of some family members of both Osinachi and her husband, Peter Nwachukwu.

Autopsy Osinachi Nwachukwu delayed

According to Vanguard, preliminary processes for the autopsy however commenced on Thursday night at the National Hospital pending the arrival of the required family members.

FCT Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Josephine Adeh when contacted, confirmed that the necropsy is essential because “it is part of the investigation”.

A source explained further,

“You know there have been speculations about her death. Since the husband is insisting that she died due to an illness and there are other speculations, the autopsy will clear the air. It did not hold because every party that was to be represented was not here. That is why they specialist’s could not do it.”

Source: Vanguard