“PDP is Government-in-Waiting” – Atiku Tells Lawmakers-Elect

Atiku Abubakar, the Peoples Democratic Party’s (PDP) presidential nominee, said that “PDP is Government-in-Waiting”

Atiku said this on Saturday during a PDP legislator-elect retreat in Bauchi state.

PDP is Government-in-Waiting
PDP is Government-in-Waiting. Photo Credit: @aatiku: Instagram

He advised the party members to maintain their optimism as they wait for the case at the presidential election petition tribunal to be resolved.

Remember that Asiwaju Bola Tinubu of the All Progressives Congress (APC) defeated Atiku, the PDP’s nominee for president in the 2023 election.

ALSO READ: Atiku leads protest to INEC’s headquarters in Abuja

At the election petition tribunal, the former vice president and the PDP are challenging Tinubu’s victory.

“You are the party’s and your constituents’ representatives,” Atiku remarked. Do not give up on your celebration because of a temporary setback. “In the end, truth and good will triumph over falsehood and evil,” Atiku told the newly elected MPs.

“As a result, you must keep your determination. Cooperate rather than act alone. You are a team, and you must constantly operate as a team to produce significant achievements while remaining connected to your roots, constituency, and other stakeholders.

Based on the INEC findings, and pending the outcome of the electoral challenges in court, our members-elect do not constitute a majority in the national assembly.

As a result, for the time being, they must prepare to serve as an effective, constructive opposition while simultaneously preparing for a prospective role as the majority party once the cases are resolved.

“Never give up hope. The opposition’s role is to hold the administration and majority party accountable. And by doing so, you signal that you and your party are ready to govern as soon as possible — PDP is government-in-waiting if you will.”

Meanwhile, Atiku has advised the national assembly’s newly elected legislators to fight any attempt by the ruling party to turn the legislature into a rubber stamp.

In response to the PDP’s current state, Atiku remarked that all members must work together to bring the party around.

“Our entire party, including our elected officials, is working to rebuild it. Furthermore, a unified goal will be required. As a result, we’ll have to work extra hard to pull our party together. “Let’s stop waging war on issues from yesterday,” he said.