Moment NOUN student raises alarm after being stopped from writing exam over indecent dressing

A student of National Open University of Nigeria, NOUN, has raised alarm after being prevented from writing her exam on the basis of indecent dressing.

The young lady shared the video online, while showing off her outfit and asking if the public deemed it indecent.

According to her, she had gotten into school that morning to write her exam but was stopped by one of the invigilators for indecent dressing.

Moment NOUN student raises alarm after being forced to not write exam over indecent dressing

He then called on the security officer at the school and she was forcefully taken out of the hall.

The student believes she is on her right as what she wore wasn’t exposing as they tried to make it seem.

She seeks that the general public spreads the video so she can get justice and they can be sanctioned for their misdemeanors