Fire Razes OAP Yaw house, destroys valuable

Fire Razes OAP Yaw house, destroys valuable

Nigerian OAP, Yaw has lost some valuable properties as fire razed a portion of his home at an estate in Victoria Island, Lagos.

The fire is said to have to have started from an Air conditioner. Yaw who was reportedly on his way to work found out his air conditioner had started a fire.

Neighbours gathered with their fire extinguishers to help put out the fire but it had already entered his home and destroyed some properties.

Watch the video below;

The popular OAP Yaw was previously in the news for having issues with Nigerian singer, Runtown over his alleged exhibition of pride towards him because he declined to perform at his show last year. He later revealed that they were now cool, he tweeted

“The truth is I don’t pay attention to social media. I was just having a conversation with my friends in the studio and we were doing ‘Instagram live’. If you had listened to the footage well, you would hear Runtown’s song playing in the background. If I still have issues with him, I wouldn’t have played his song.  He sent me a message on Wednesday morning after seeing the video and we spoke.

“I have enjoyed great support from Nigerian artistes. But I called Runtown three years ago and he said he was not available. When I told him two years ago, he still claimed not to be available. But for last year, he promised he would come if he was in town.

On the same day, the Lagos State Government held a concert at Bar Beach. He attended and lodged at Eko Hotel. Humble Smith performed at Bar Beach too but still came to support me. I expected Runtown to show me support and leave.

“When I saw his car, it was normal for me to feel bad. But afterwards, I forgot everything. I don’t think anyone has played Runtown’s song, Mad Over You, like I did. If you know me well, you will know I don’t have time for things like this.”one what I wanted to do and I have moved on,” he stated.