“Doctored video” – Lai Mohammed reacts to second CNN report on Lekki shooting

The minister of Information and cultures, Lai Mohammed has condemned CNN’s second report on the Lekki tollgate shooting.

Lai Mohammed

According to Lai, CNN is unprofessional about their invention, hence, the genuineness of the footage remains questionable.

In an interview on NTA on Wednesday, November 25, Lai Mohammed accused CNN of being desperate.

“It shows that they (CNN) are desperate. The so-called recent development has been seen before. There is nothing new. If there is anything new, it is a contradiction of CNN’s position.

cnn second report lekki shooting

“What we are asking CNN is that where is your evidence? The military has been consistent. CNN contravenes the basic principles of journalism – fairness, and balance.

‘They did the story without contacting the Federal Government for its own side. They relied on second and third parties narratives.

“They (CNN) were caught spreading fake news and they are trying to escape.

“We are accusing them (CNN) of basing their stories on videos sourced on social media. CNN has been inconsistent. It also doctored the video it got.

“We are confident in our position.”

Commenting on the letter addressed to Jonathan Hawkins, VP (Communications), CNN Centre, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Lai Mohammed said;

“We have received an acknowledgment and we were told that the letter has been passed to the editorial team.”

Watch the video below …