Here Are 6 Interesting Ways For Nigerians To Consume Maeng Da Kratom


With the popularity of kratom, maeng da kratom, including green and red maeng da, has become one of the preferable kratom strains among kratom users. Both can be distinguished by their colors and are considered among the most potent strains.

Hence, most people ask about the most effective way to consume Maeng Da Kratom and what are red maeng da effects. Well, kratom strains are loaded with natural botanical ingredients, which you can consume in multiple ways.

Though maeng da powders can taste bitter when raw, it is also cost-effective. Capsule form is also popular because it offers the desired effects without the bitter taste. However, for kratom users, it has already become a kitchen experiment to mask the rustic taste of kratom.

Here Are 6 Interesting Ways For Nigerians To Consume Maeng Da Kratom

An Introduction To Kratom

Kratom is mainly a herbal compound that you can find in the tropical jungle of Southeast Asia. It is also known as the Mitragyna Speciosa, which has come up with multiple strains such as a white, red, and white vein. Each of them offers a different set of effects.

Almost 40 kinds of alkaloids are present in all strains, which might be good for the user. It is mainly produced from the kratom leaves, followed by a unique drying process. Therefore, people can consume it in different forms, like powder, tinctures, premium kratom capsules, etc., to promote well-being.

Green Maeng Da Kratom

Green maeng da is a famous kratom strain because of its long-lasting effects. The word ‘maeng da’ is mainly slang for Pimp Grade in Thai. It further means that it is the most potent strain compared to the other strains.

Ensure to stay aware of your dosage as it offers immediate effects to its users. Many kratom enthusiasts prefer this maeng da kratom and low Maeng da Kratom dosage because of its high potency.

Here Are 6 Interesting Ways For Nigerians To Consume Maeng Da Kratom

Red Maeng Da Kratom

Red maeng da kratom is a powerful strain slightly different from green maeng da. Red maeng da has come up with more concentrated alkaloids, making it a potent strain compared to other strains.

It can be easily absorbed by the human body and offers effects for up to eight hours. In addition, it contains analgesic properties which might be good for mood enhancement.

Here Are 6 Interesting Ways For Nigerians To Consume Maeng Da Kratom

Why Should You Consume It?

We are living in an era where we all are busy and living a hectic life. Because of the heavy workload at the office or business, we tend to become exhausted. To combat such cases, you can have kratom maeng da to get a relaxing effect.

Many users have said they mix kratom powder in their morning coffee to get the extra energizing effects.

Here Are 6 Interesting Ways For Nigerians To Consume Maeng Da Kratom

Taking Proper Dosage Is Crucial

When you consume kratom, you must know the specific dose you need to avoid adverse effects. When consuming highly potent strains like green maeng da kratom or red maeng da kratom, kick off your journey with a lower dose.

If you are one of the experienced users, then you can take the different strains in higher dosages. But, again, it would be best if you take it under the supervision of healthcare professionals.

6 Amazing Ways To Consume Maeng Da Kratom For Nigerians

As we have mentioned before, the best part of kratom comes in different forms, such as capsules, powders, tinctures, or extracts. But, because of its rustic and too leafy taste, it generally tastes bitter. Hence, people face problems while taking it.

In the early days, older adults used to chew the pure kratom leaf extract to reap the benefits. But, with the passing days, people have come up with various ways to take maeng da kratom.

So, whether you have green, red maeng da kratom, or white maeng da kratom, there is no need to take it directly. Instead, you can make delicious food items or mix them with several beverages to mask their bitterness.

Many kratom users are searching for ways to take maeng da strains to make them taste good. Below we will discuss six different ways to make any maeng da strain taste amazing.

  1. Prepare A Cup of Herbal Tea

In five minutes, you can prepare kratom herbal tea easily in the comfort of your home. Take a tablespoon of tea leaves and maeng da kratom powder. Then, boil the water for some minutes, then add them one by one to the boiling water.

A higher dosage of great strains like White Vein and Red Vein in the tea may help with chronic pain, energy levels, cognitive enhancers, pain relief, and pain relief in muscles, making it a top-shelf product. But, remember, excessive boiling is not good because too much heat will lower the effectiveness of maeng da powder. Then, you can add some ginger, cinnamon, honey, or lemon to make it taste way better.

 2. Have A Cup of Hot Coffee

If you are not a tea person, do not worry; Mitragyna has another option. Coffee will go pretty well with the maeng da strain since both are from the caffeine family. In addition, the robust and great flavor of coffee can quickly eliminate the rustic taste and bitterness of maeng da kratom.

The significant part is that you can either have cold coffee or prepare iced cold coffee as your choice. The antioxidants present in the coffee will perfectly mix with the kratom’s alkaloids. Also, you can add sugar, milk, other flavors, or whatever you want to make it taste heavenly.

 3. Prepare Delicious Smoothies

Smoothies can be a great option when it comes to having maeng da. You can excite your taste buds with the fantastic taste of a smoothie. The best part is that you can easily mask kratom’s gritty texture and harsh taste in a minute.

Suppose you have green leafy vegetables like kale and carrot or tasty fruits such as strawberry, mango, etc., in your kitchen. Then, pick all your favorite fruits and vegetables and kratom powder, and add everything to the blender to make your smoothie.

You can add yogurt, milk, or plain water as per your choice to get the desired consistency. Furthermore, if you still feel like you can taste the kratom’s earthly taste, add some sweeteners such as dates, maple syrup, honey, etc.

 4. Make Some Maeng Da Chocolates

The chances of liking chocolates are high if you have a sweet tooth, and when you can harness the benefits of maeng da through it, why not! But if you like sweet chocolate less, you can still go for dark chocolates.

To prepare it, first, you need to get a small saucepan and pre-heat it. Then, mix the chocolate with some coconut oil in a large bowl. Next, stir the mixture until the chocolate gets melted.

Then, put the maeng da powder or extracts into the mixture. Then, add some sugar or other sweeteners as per your choice.

Then, get a mold to pour the mixture and put it in the fridge for 3-4 hours to make it cool. Then, enjoy the tasty chocolates whenever you want.

 5. Have Refreshing Fruit Juices

You can have refreshing kratom-infused fruit juices in your breakfast. A fresh glass of maeng da fruit juice is enough to make you productive. It is a fantastic way to revitalize your mind and body.

You can take a glass of fruit juice or lemonade, per your preference. Then, you can add flavors as well. For example, you can add some sugar to eliminate the harsh taste when you have lemonade.

 6. Make Protein Shake

If you are a fitness fanatic and want to consume maeng da without sugar, then we have exciting news. You can mix the powder with your nutritious protein shake and have it both before and after the workout.

Add the maeng da powder to the protein shake. And then, you are all set to have your extra good protein shake to feel more energetic.

Undeniable Benefits Of Getting Maeng Da Online

We know that maeng da has gained immense popularity all over the world. But, even if the American Kratom Association has reported it as a herbal supplement, FDA has not yet approved kratom as a potent herbal product.

Therefore, it will be best to purchase maeng da kratom online to get its benefits. The significant advantage of getting it online is that you will select from a wide range of options.

However, it is always recommended to go for a reputable and legitimate online vendor that sells every type of maeng da, starting from white maeng da, red maeng da, etc. However, now let’s look into the other perks of getting it online.

xible Ordering

You can get the product quickly when you purchase them from an online vendor. You can choose your preferred product from the kratom varieties.

Premium-quality Product

When you buy the product online, you can compare the prices and quality of all kratom products. With proper research, you will see others’ experiences with an online vendor through online reviews.

Then, you can easily find the best maeng da kratom from a legitimate vendor. Some online vendors that sell the highest quality product are Kona Kratom, VIP kratom, Star Kratom, etc.

Doorstep Delivery

You can easily place your order after checking the product quality online. Then, reputable brands like VIP kratom will promptly deliver your product to your doorstep. Look for the one that offers fast shipping to their customers.

Final Thoughts

Incorporating the best kratom into your all-time favorite recipes can effectively mask the bitterness of this herb. No matter in what way you are going to have it, you can still get all the benefits without getting a harsh aftertaste. We have given a list of six unique ways to consume this incredible strain of kratom without lowering its effectiveness.


Author’s Bio


Alexander Reid

Alexander Reid is a kratom expert and journalist who discovered Kratom about a decade ago. He is a kratom strain enthusiast who has profound knowledge of Kratom and its variety of products that are available in the market. He immensely enjoys delving deep into research and studying Kratom and its various strains. Please reach out to him if you have any questions or comments by emailing: [email protected]. You can also connect with him on Twitter- and LinkedIn-